Aaron Thomas, MD
Where are you from?
I am from northern Virginia, grew up in a town called Culpeper, VA.
Why did you choose UA Sports Medicine?
I chose UA Sports Medicine because one of my mentors trained here and loved it. He had great things to say. When I met the leadership on the interview, I just got a really good vibe about the people and the training opportunities. I also got really excited to explore a new area.
What are you most excited about for life in Tucson?
I'm most excited to just explore a new city. Learning about a new culture and food and all of the outdoor adventures.
What are your interests or hobbies outside of Medicine?
Outside of medicine I am really active. I exercise regularly and have been very into triathlon training. I've also been doing Crossfit for several years. I enjoy anything outdoors... biking, hiking, camping, backpacking.
What are your professional interests within Medicine?
Within medicine, I have enjoyed my training in the emergency room and getting comfortable with ultrasound. I am very much looking forward to progressing in my sports and musculoskeletal training.
Favorite way to spend a day off?
On days off I enjoy getting outside and taking my dog exploring. Finding new hiking trails or new restaurants or breweries.
Top item on your "Bucket list"?
My bucket list is huge. I really want to hike Macchu Pichu and travel the world, but I am also planning to get scuba certified as soon as I have time.
Emergency Medicine, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, 2021
- West Virginia University School of Medicine, Morgantown, WV, 2012